Person with medium-length hair and a smile, wearing a black blazer over a dark shirt, against a plain light brown background.

Dr. Beth Kaplan


Dr. Beth Kaplan is an Emergency Medicine physician who has worked in a public hospital and trauma center for over two decades, treating the most vulnerable and underserved patients at critical times in their lives. She has brought domestic violence intervention and educational programs to hospitals, both nationally and internationally, and has worked with the CDC to initiate rapid HIV testing and linkage to care in the Emergency Department setting. Dr. Kaplan has also served as a Clinical Professor of Emergency Medicine at UCSF School of Medicine, in both a teaching and research role. She joined Nurx because she has always been concerned with public health and its impact on the individual. She was inspired to work in a revolutionary system that brings high-quality healthcare to those who face access and affordability barriers while providing ongoing support online.

“I enjoy working with a team committed to the mission of providing the best care to hundreds of thousands of patients who deserve access, education, affordability and ongoing support.”


Clinical Focus
Emergency Medicine


Vanderbilt University School of Medicine


Nurx Articles
Interview with Partner Abuse Expert Dr. Beth Kaplan

9 Things You May Not Know About Domestic Violence


Cash incentives versus defaults for HIV testing: A randomized clinical trial

Patient choice in opt-in, active choice, and opt-out HIV screening: Randomized clinical trial

Understanding Patient Acceptance and Refusal of HIV Testing in the Emergency Department

Cost-effectiveness of Targeted Human Immunodeficiency Virus Screening in an Urban Emergency Department

Testing and Linkage to Care Outcomes for a Clinician-Initiated Rapid HIV Testing Program in an Urban Emergency Department

HIV Testing Attitudes and Practices Among Clinicians in the Era of Updated Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Recommendations

Prevalence and Correlates of Unknown HIV Infection Among Patients Seeking Care in a Public Hospital Emergency Department

Simplifying Consent for HIV Testing Is Associated with an Increase in HIV Testing and Case Detection in Highest Risk Groups, San Francisco January 2003–June 2007

Beta-Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Levels and the Likelihood of Ectopic Pregnancy in Emergency Department Patients with Abdominal Pain or Vaginal Bleeding

Early Detection of Acute Myocardial Infarction in Patients Presenting with Chest Pain and Nondiagnostic Ecgs: Serial CK-MB Sampling in the Emergency Department



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