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How the Birth Control Pill Can Help Endometriosis

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Written by vhigueras
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Endometriosis is a very common disorder affecting many women across the globe. The condition is associated with moderate to severe pain and often involves the fallopian tubes, ovaries, and the tissues that line the pelvis. In rare cases, the endometrial tissue may spread beyond the uterus into the abdomen or lungs. Endometrial pain is often very difficult for women to handle, which is why many women choose to use services like Nurx to get access to birth control pills as they can help relieve this pain.

In endometriosis, the displaced endometrial tissue continues to act just like the uterine tissue; it thickens, softens, breaks down, and then bleeds with each menstrual cycle. The condition should be taken seriously and women should consult their healthcare provider immediately if they experience pain or bleeding.

With endometriosis, the adjacent tissues can become irritated and eventually develop fibrous scars and adhesions, which cause the pelvic organs to stick to each other. The majority of women who develop endometriosis also develop moderate to severe pain during their period. Some women also face fertility issues.

Other symptoms of endometriosis include pain during intercourse, low back pain, pain during urination or during a bowel movement, heavy periods, and a variety of abdominal symptoms that include constipation, diarrhea, bloating, or fatigue.

Birth Control Pill for Endometriosis

Endometriosis can be treated. While there are several types of treatment for endometriosis, one of them is with the use of hormones via the birth control pill. Over the years, it has been shown that women with endometriosis who take the birth control pill have a marked reduction in symptoms and can successfully normalize their menstrual cycle, as well. Keep in mind that birth control pills do not cure endometriosis; they can only help prevent the condition from worsening. In other words, the pill can help relieve the pain that is associated with this condition.

The birth control pill contains both estrogen and progestin. There are many types of birth control pills with varying formulations. Also, birth control pills come in 21-, 23-, 24-, or 28-day pill packs. Most women who use the pill for management of endometriosis use the 21-day pill pack.

The birth control pills can slow down the growth of endometrial tissue and prevent new implants of endometrial tissue from developing elsewhere in the body. Women who want to use it for endometriosis need to take the birth control pill regularly for several months — even years in some cases. This is mainly because there is a risk that if you stop them, the symptoms may return.

The biggest benefit of the pill is that it can reduce or completely eliminate endometrial pain in some women. The menstrual cycle becomes regular and the periods are not as heavy. In some, once the menstrual cycles become regular, fertility problems are also resolved. If you’re not sure about the different types of birth control pills that are available, you can check with Nurx for more information.

Candidates for the Birth Control Pill

Not all women with endometriosis are candidates for the birth control pill. Your health care provider is the best person to determine whether you qualify or not. They will do so by reviewing your medical history and will need to know if you have a history of blood clots, migraine headaches, or uterine cancer. If you do, you will not be a candidate for using the birth control pill for endometriosis.

For women who can take the pill for this condition, your doctor will start with the lowest dose and then change it accordingly as per your body’s response to the drug. There are many different brands of birth control pills available that can be prescribed based on your condition and medical history. You will need to remain on the pill for many months or years to get the maximum benefit. You should know that it usually takes a few months to determine if you are responding to the birth control pill.

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